We are busy with our first week of summer and first week of our recreation and naturalist program! The kids have already played beach volleyball and capture the flag, Ruth Ann had the adults building a darling driftwood sailboat, T-shirts were colored,and we had our first blackout champion in Bingo! This afternoon’s waterslide will be a hit…as always! Oh, and the fishing has been very good. The wind has kept our fishermen off Winnie quite a bit lately, but Cutfoot Sioux has been producing nice walleyes, northerns, perch and crappies. And when they can get out to Winnie, the closer spots like the river channel and north shore have been decent. We still have a few openings mid-July, if you can break away for a last minute vacation up to God’s country. Give us a call 218-246-8701 or email relax@eaglenestlodge.net.

Fun craft for the kids!